Sunday 7 May 2023
Deakin Netball Courts, Makin Place, Deakin
Nominate teams here https://www.playhq.com/netball-australia/register/27770a
Entries close 23rd April 2023.
Clubs will be invoiced once teams are nominated. The fee to enter is $70 per team
Teams withdrawing after 28th April 2023 will forfeit their entry fee.
Matches will be conducted to AANA rules: no injury time, no jewellery, nails cut short, blood rule
Only one team per division will be accepted
Each team is required to supply a non-playing umpire, a ball, a scorer and first aid kit. Scoring – each team must have a scorer and scorers from each team will stand together on the side of the court. The winning team will return the score sheet.
All players must be registered with their own district.
Players must be in the registered uniform for that team.
As this is a grading carnival for teams, players may interchange within an age group. No playing down.
We aim to offer the following Divisions: U11-14 Divisions 1-3; U15 Divisions 1-2. The SCNA carnival committee reserves the right to move teams to create a draw – even on the day if necessary.
Each game will consist of 2 x 8-minute halves, with a 1 min break for half time. There will be a 2 minute break between games.
A maximum of 10 trophies/medals will be awarded to the winners and runners-up of each division.
There will be no finals, if teams finish with the same points, a goal for/against percentage will apply.
It is anticipated that the first round will begin between 8:00 and 8:30. Note that this start time may change depending on how many teams are registered. Courts will be open from 7:00 am.
Games will start and finish on a central hooter.
Depending on the number of teams entered, some divisions will have to play on grass courts.
Strapping must be managed by the club/school unless injury occurs during the carnival. All injuries MUST be reported to the First Aid Officer who will treat and record the injury. This will be the official injury record of the day and all injury insurance claims will be managed from this record not via SCNA.
First Aid Facilities will be available, provided by Accelerate Physiotherapy. Remind players to wear hats/visors. No hard peaked caps.
Canteen and food facilities will be available.