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Junior Rep Trials

South Canberra Netball Association is excited to announce details of our upcoming junior representative selection trials for the 2023 representative season.


Date: Saturday, 4 February 2023 – U11, U12 and U13

Saturday, 11 February 2023 – U14 and U15

Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm

Venue: South Canberra Netball Association

Schedule for the morning:

9.00am Player arrival and registration

9.30am Warm up

10.00am Skill drills

10.30am Match Play

12.15pm Cool down

12.30pm Conclusion

Please wear and bring the following:

· Wear a t-shirt, shorts and runners appropriate for sport (no fashion sneakers).

· No SCNA, district, Academy or State Netball shirts, singlets or shorts are to be worn - you will not be allowed to trial if you have the incorrect attire.

· Do not wear any kind of jewellery. No earrings or studs whatsoever. No exceptions.

· Nails are to be trimmed and hair tied back.

· Bring food/snacks and water bottle(s) for the morning. Water bottles can be refilled onsite.

· Wear sunscreen.

Trial information:

· Every endeavour shall be given to trialing players in their preferred positions.

· Selectors may trial players in equivalent positions.

· Selectors shall consider all aspects of the game including (but not limited to) physical ability, skill, tactics and attitude.

· Selectors will be identifying players for a squad of 30 players for each age group. Decisions about individual teams within each squad will be made later in the representative season taking into account ability, skill, attitude, performance and behaviour at training and during carnivals.

· When selecting the final teams of 10 players and any train-ons, selectors will consider the balance of the squad in terms of positional play.

· If for some reason you are unable to attend the trial date you will need to send an email advising of why you cannot attend in advance. We will aim to schedule a spill over trial if necessary. Email address is:

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