Trials will take place at the AIS on Tuesday 14th February and the following Tuesday 21st (refer to map attached).
An additional trial night on Thursday 23rd may be used if required.
We hope to have teams selected and announced in order to commence training from Tuesday 28th.
The season commences on 21st April. There will be no games on the Queen's Birthday weekend, the 7th and 9th July and the Grand final will be on Sunday 30th July.
We will advise registration costs upon successful selection.
You need to arrive by 6:15pm and meet outside the courts to have your name marked off and trial number provided.
Warm ups will commence at 6:30pm with the aim of starting trials by 6:50pm until 8pm.
What to bring / wear:
Please make sure to wear a plain shirt with no affiliations (eg. SCNA, club or another association).
Your number will be written on your arm so make sure you wear appropriate clothing so it is clearly visible.
Please remove all jewellery, have hair tied back and nails clipped.
Don't forget to bring a water bottle!
Throughout the course of the trials every effort will be made to play you in each of your nominated positions.
We have a large number of players trialling so please let me know by reply email ASAP if you:
Have chosen not to trial and wish to withdraw
Wish to change your nominated trial positions
Can not make either trial date
Are injured and need a medical exemption.